This site addresses: THE NEW PARADIGM, It's not agriculture.
Hilltop Moringa Farms
We teach what we Practice
Cubeponics is the most efficient carbon sequestration system increasing by orders of magnitude biometrics/mensuration, commercial value, and gross domestic product from neglected secondary forests. This living biodiversity system eradicates local agrarian poverty, sustains indefinitely, and spontaneously achieves by orders of magnitude. This we teach from what we do.
We want people who are passionate about using natural and inexpensive means to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
At HMF we are making practical applications of cumulative knowledge.
We are not original thinkers, but we are innovative about using existing knowledge.
Our prototype is being developed. Although it is small, we need team members who may add knowledge, know-how, or support.
There is nothing fancy here. Our methods are plain and simple.
We do use innovation. You are welcome to learn more, free.
To learn more than what is contained herein, you must request it using the following form. We use your email address for communicating with you and keeping a record of our communication and for no other purpose.
Vision Statement
To be the premier producer of healthy chemical-additive-free Moringa oleifera herbal products in the Philippines and beyond with direct monetary returns and recognition to and on behalf of our community, all achieved incrementally and sustainably for this generation and future generations to come sustainably.
Mission Statement
Hilltop Moringa Farms designs a new paradigm for consuming healthy and enjoyable-to-eat herbal-based products, led by its premier Moringa oleifera food for broad spectrum worldwide consumption. Hilltop Moringa Farms strives to lead the consumer paradigm of healthy eating with its healthy food and snacks for consumers wanting to be healthy and happy.
Hilltop Moringa Farms is reinventing from passive and purposeless eating to healthy and purposeful eating. It is redefining the future of complementary healthy foods while enabling millions of growers coincidentally to achieve reforestation.
At Hilltop Moringa Farms, thanks to the XPRIZE Carbon Removal contest, we are so motivated to achieve the reforestation goals that whether we win the contest or not, we WIN.
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Let's reforest the Philippines.
It is feasible!
Let's sequester carbon significantly.
It is feasible!
Let's feed millions and teach others to feed billions...nutritionally
It is feasible!
May 2014 Newly planted Moringa oleifera
Jan 2015 Moringa oleifera after 9 months, planted from seed.
Leaves of Moringa oleifera ready for harvest.
May 2014 Newly planted Moringa oleifera
1. Create a demonstration agro forest using biodiversity and centering on sustainability.
2. Scale up by more than two orders of magnitude through community participation.
3. Scale up to achieve critical mass for reforestation of the Philippines.
a. Cash flow
b. Community
c. Replication
d. Unwitting achievement of countrywide reforestation and reduction in the rate of global warming.
No donations accepted here. When you want to join in and become an owner, absentee or present, we will turn-key your project, manage it for you and half of your cost will come out of cash flow, the first half is cash out of pocket used to build the place and make it operational and profitable within two years.
The worthwhile of your endeavor is apparent when you study us and the project in depth. The best way is to visit us.
Latest Project
Get Involved
As an owner you participate in helping achieve seemingly unfathomable goals of actually achieving reforestation on a massive scale and decreasing the rate of increase in ecological balance globally.
Make the poor farmers no longer poor by planting, growing and harvesting only parts of the trees while having them continue to grow and prosper.
Please do not expect all of the answers to be presented in one sentence or even one presentation.
This project represents a paradigm shift from ordinary and customary agribusiness practices that we all have been exposed our entire lifetimes. Be patient, but hurry up; get involved...visit us either electronically or in person at the demo-farm. See you.